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I Walk In Darkness, For the Lessons Are
Wiek 49 Z Pulaski, Wisconsin - Online - Ponad 2 tygodni temu
Kobieta Szukam Mężczyzna

Podstawowe Informacje

Znam Następujące Języki Obce  
Widzę siebie jako osobę  
I am a reasonable individual, and do not enjoy existing in the land of 'lofty ideals' and 'if only dreamscapes'. I once heard someone say, 'Do not try, do.' To that end, I am a firm believer in the notion that actions speak much more loudly than words. Words are easy, doing something to give the words purpose is where the work lies. To many people in this day and age are satisfied enough to use words, with little follow through. I am tired of the 'I wish this and I wish that', wishing doesn't reach the goal...

It is not hard to tell that I look at things in a more realistic fashion. I believe that this world is stuck on the hook of their own design, whether it be the hook of greed, physical beauty, power, fame...none of these matter once you are dead. What matters is that we leave behind an honorable memory, so that when we come full circle, we are welcomed back rather than reviled.

Having no desire to keep the important things hidden, I will tell you that I am an Ovarian Cancer Survivor. I do not have children, nor can I bear them hence. I do, however, adore children and think they are the best teachers (whether or not they know they are teachers). Because of what I have faced, I find very little point in complaining about life's mundane issues. I ever and always tell myself, it could be worse, and it has been worse...I survived for a reason, and it is now my task to take full advantage of this newness I have been given. Presently I am in full remission, and expect to remain that way in so far as Fate allows. It should also be noted that my Mother died of cancer three years ago, April 7th. As a result, my Father is alone for the first time since he was 20, and I remain here to keep him from losing hope. He knows that I desire to share my life with another, much as his heart possesses the same desire for his own life. As the time span between her death and his grief grows wider, I become more and more comfortable leaving him to himself.

I love the Earth, I respect and cherish animals and I truly adore spiders. I identify most with Spider as my guide, and have seen Spider in my dreams nearly all of my life. In my living experience, I have seen that Spider offers great insight into an inventive and creative mind. Spider also teaches one how to be observant and patient. Nothing will teach this lesson better than watching a fly catch itself in a spider's web, and watching the spider wait for it to tire. I aspire to be this patient in my life. I am a Tarantula Enthusiast, and have three of them presently. They are as my children, and I dote on them as such.

I enjoy all manner of crafting from sewing and fashion design, to beading and jewelry making. I paint on canvas, age paper, wood burn, dabble in floral design and really love interior decorating. Cooking is second nature to me, and my favorite time of year is Autumn during the changing of the leaves. Having spent the majority of my life in a Desert (Las Vegas, Nevada), the changing of the leaves is a magnificent event. It simply does not happen in the desert.

I am commitment minded, and am not AT ALL interested in a fly by night encounter. I no longer have a uterus, so it would be more satisfying to the male...than to me, and I have never been any good at pretending to be a lifeless doll. Intellectual intercourse is far more stimulating, or even a creative tryst to bring two souls into one common place. No, that does not mean talking dirty while painting by number. It means having a witty discussion while doing something artistic :) I believe a relationship can evolve beyond the carnal and into something much higher, spiritually.

Wygląd & Sytuacja

Moje Oczy Są  
Moje pochodzenie  
Mam Dzieci  
Moje Najlepsze Zalety To  
Budowa Ciała  
Kolczyki.. Ale Tylko w Uszach, Strategicznie Umieszczone Tatuaże
Moje Włosy Są  
Mam Jedną Lub Więcej Z Tych Rzeczy  
Egzotyczne Zwierzęta, Inny
Jestem Skłonny Do Przeprowadzki  


Mój Poziom Edukacji To  
Dyplom Ukończenia Liceum
Mój Aktualny Stan Zatrudnienia To  
Pracuje W Domu
Moja Specjalność To  
Ze Zwierzętami
W Domu  
Wszystko Jest w Porządku
Jestem Palaczem  
Tak - Towarzysko
Piję Alkohol  
Tak - Towarzysko


W Liceum Byłem Uważany Za  
Moje Zachowanie Społeczne Jest  
Moje Zainteresowania I Hobby To  
Sztuka & Rękodzieło, Kamping, Chodzenie do Klubu/Baru, Gotowanie, Ćwiczenia, Gry, Uprawianie Ogrodu, Uczenie Się, Muzyka, Czytanie, Religia/Duchowość, Teatr, Wolontariat
Mój Pomysł Na Dobrze Spędzony Czas To  
Klub/Bar, Spędzanie Czasu z Przyjaciółmi, Zakupy, Pójście Na Koncert, Wyjście Do Muzeum, Zabawa w Przebieranki, Granie w Gry Komputerowe, Czytanie Książki, Relaks, Przebywanie w Domu, Próbowanie Nowych Rzeczy
Zawsze Chciałem Spróbować  
Going Tarantula Watching in Brazil or Paraguay (they have the cutest Tarantulas)
Moi Znajomi Opisują Mnie Jako Osobę  


Mój Cel Życiowy To  
I have many...however, my greatest goal is to touch the world, with the world in my eventually publish my writings, and perhaps launch a fashion line...
Mój Rodzaj Humoru To  

Gust, Smak

W Telewizji Zawsze Oglądam  
Dokumentalne, Instruktażowe
Jak Idę Do Kina, To z Reguły Oglądam  
Akcji, Fantastyka, Horrory, Thrillery
Kiedy Słucham Muzyki, Zawsze Słucham  
Ambient, Klasyczna, Taneczna, Elektroniczna, Industrialna, Metal, New Age
Gdy Czytam Zawsze Sięgam Po  
Starożytne, Antologiczne, Klasyczne, Fantastyczne, Fikcyjne, Historyczne, Dom & Ogród, Horrory, Tajemnicze, Natura, Filozoficzne, Poezja, Romantyczne, Satyryczne, Jestem Autorem Książek
Mój Pomysł Na Rozrywkę To  
Any kind of intellectual discourse over coffee, crafting or creating something out of a whole lot of nothing, painting, tending my vegetable garden, writing


Co Jest Dla Ciebie Atrakcyjne?  
Śmiałość, Empatia, Atrakcyjny Wygląd, Doskonałe Umiejętności, Poczucie Humoru, Inteligencja, Dziwactwa, Wrażliwość, Spontaniczność, Troskliwość, Dowcipny
Czego Szukasz?  
I am not looking for a romantic interlude on this site, as the whom I seek does not exist (such is the bane of all human beings). I am far more interested in meetings others who can stimulate my intellect through the discussion of various subjects, from philosophy and theology to nature, Tarantulas, the Occult, Fashion. Of course if you share any interest in hand crafting, leatherwork, sewing, beading, jewelry making, pyrography, painting on canvas, I would enjoy speaking to such people.
Jakiego Szukasz Związku?  
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